標準材鑑Wood specimens 一覧 全Archives 20886 件 Records
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13279
fileno fileno :Kw12905 KYOw: KYOw13279 family Family :Pinaceae genus Genus :Pinus species Species :Pinus var. langbianensis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13280
fileno fileno :Kw12906 KYOw: KYOw13280 family Family :Euphorbiaceae genus Genus :Bischofia species Species :Bischofia javanica2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13281
fileno fileno :Kw12907 KYOw: KYOw13281 family Family :Sonneratiaceae genus Genus :Duabanga species Species :Duabanga grandiflora2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13282
fileno fileno :Kw12908 KYOw: KYOw13282 family Family :Sterculiaceae genus Genus :Sterculia species Species :Sterculia pexa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13283
fileno fileno :Kw12909 KYOw: KYOw13283 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Bauhinia species Species :Bauhinia variegata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13284
fileno fileno :Kw12910 KYOw: KYOw13284 family Family :Bignoniaceae genus Genus :Stereospermum species Species :Stereospermum neuranthum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13285
fileno fileno :Kw12911 KYOw: KYOw13285 family Family :Flacourtiaceae genus Genus :Homalium species Species :Homalium lauticum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13286
fileno fileno :Kw12912 KYOw: KYOw13286 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Spondias species Species :Spondias pinnata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13287
fileno fileno :Kw12913 KYOw: KYOw13287 family Family :Euphorbiaceae genus Genus :Aporosa species Species :Aporosa yunnanensis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13288
fileno fileno :Kw12914 KYOw: KYOw13288 family Family :Combretaceae genus Genus :Terminalia species Species :Terminalia mgriocarpa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13289
fileno fileno :Kw12915 KYOw: KYOw13289 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Mangifera species Species :Mangifera sylvatica2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13290
fileno fileno :Kw12916 KYOw: KYOw13290 family Family :Meliaceae genus Genus :Toona species Species :Toona ciliata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13291
fileno fileno :Kw12917 KYOw: KYOw13291 family Family :Betulaceae genus Genus :Alnus species Species :Alnus nepalensis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13292
fileno fileno :Kw12918 KYOw: KYOw13292 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Dalbergia species Species :Dalbergia szemaoensis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13293
fileno fileno :Kw12919 KYOw: KYOw13293 family Family :Myrsinaceae genus Genus :Rapanea species Species :Rapanea neriifolia2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13294
fileno fileno :Kw12920 KYOw: KYOw13294 family Family :Pinaceae genus Genus :Pinus species Species :Pinus yunnanensis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13295
fileno fileno :Kw12921 KYOw: KYOw13295 family Family :Araliaceae genus Genus :Schefflera species Species :Schefflera octophylla2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13296
fileno fileno :Kw12922 KYOw: KYOw13296 family Family :Araliaceae genus Genus :Acanthopanax species Species :Acanthopanax evodiaefolius2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13297
fileno fileno :Kw12923 KYOw: KYOw13297 family Family :Araucariaceae genus Genus :Agathis species Species :Agathis spp. 原産地名 Common name :Bindang2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13298
fileno fileno :Kw12924 KYOw: KYOw13298 family Family :Apocynaceae genus Genus :Alstonia species Species :Alstonea spp. 原産地名 Common name :Pulai2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13299
fileno fileno :Kw12925 KYOw: KYOw13299 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Anisoptera species Species :Anisoptera spp. 原産地名 Common name :Mersawa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13300
fileno fileno :Kw12926 KYOw: KYOw13300 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Campnosperma species Species :Campnosperma spp. 原産地名 Common name :Terentang2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13301
fileno fileno :Kw12927 KYOw: KYOw13301 family Family :Guttiferae genus Genus :Calophyllum species Species :Calophyllum spp. 原産地名 Common name :Bintangor2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13302
fileno fileno :Kw12928 KYOw: KYOw13302 family Family :Rhizophoraceae genus Genus :Combretocarpus species Species :Combretocarpus rotundatus 原産地名 Common name :Keruntum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13303
fileno fileno :Kw12929 KYOw: KYOw13303 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Copaifera species Species :Copaifera palustris and Sindora 原産地名 Common name :Sepetir2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13304
fileno fileno :Kw12930 KYOw: KYOw13304 family Family :Guttiferae genus Genus :Cratoxylum species Species :Cratoxylum spp. 原産地名 Common name :Geronggang2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13305
fileno fileno :Kw12931 KYOw: KYOw13305 family Family :Melastomataceae genus Genus :Dactylocladus species Species :Dactylocladus stenostachys 原産地名 Common name :Jongkong2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13306
fileno fileno :Kw12932 KYOw: KYOw13306 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Dipterocarpus species Species :Dpterocarpus spp. 原産地名 Common name :Kerung2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13307
fileno fileno :Kw12933 KYOw: KYOw13307 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Dryobalanops species Species :Dryobalanops spp. 原産地名 Common name :Kapur2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13308
fileno fileno :Kw12934 KYOw: KYOw13308 family Family :Bombacaceae genus Genus :Durio species Species :Durio spp., Neesia spp. and Coelostegia spp. 原産地名 Common name :Durian2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13309
fileno fileno :Kw12935 KYOw: KYOw13309 family Family :Apocynaceae genus Genus :Dyera species Species :Dyera spp. 原産地名 Common name :Jelutong2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13310
fileno fileno :Kw12936 KYOw: KYOw13310 family Family :Gonystylaceae genus Genus :Gonystylus species Species :Gonystylus spp. 原産地名 Common name :Ramin2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13311
fileno fileno :Kw12937 KYOw: KYOw13311 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Intsia species Species :Intsia palembanica and Intsia bijuga 原産地名 Common name :Merbau2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13312
fileno fileno :Kw12938 KYOw: KYOw13312 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Koompassia species Species :Koompassia malaccensis 原産地名 Common name :Menggris2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13313
fileno fileno :Kw12939 KYOw: KYOw13313 family Family :Celastraceae genus Genus :Lophopetalum species Species :Lophopetalum spp. 原産地名 Common name :Perupok2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13314
fileno fileno :Kw12940 KYOw: KYOw13314 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Melanorrhoea species Species :Melanorrhoea spp., Gluta spp. and Melanochya spp. 原産地名 Common name :Rengas2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13315
fileno fileno :Kw12941 KYOw: KYOw13315 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea albida 原産地名 Common name :Alan Batu2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13316
fileno fileno :Kw12942 KYOw: KYOw13316 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea albida 原産地名 Common name :Alan Bunga2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13317
fileno fileno :Kw12943 KYOw: KYOw13317 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea spp. Anthoshorea group 原産地名 Common name :Shite Meranti2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13318
fileno fileno :Kw12944 KYOw: KYOw13318 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea spp. Eushorea brandis 原産地名 Common name :Selangan Batu2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13319
fileno fileno :Kw12945 KYOw: KYOw13319 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea spp. Richetie group 原産地名 Common name :Yellow Meranti2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13320
fileno fileno :Kw12946 KYOw: KYOw13320 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea spp. 原産地名 Common name :Dark Red Meranti2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13321
fileno fileno :Kw12947 KYOw: KYOw13321 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea spp. 原産地名 Common name :Light Red Meranti2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13322
fileno fileno :Kw12948 KYOw: KYOw13322 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Vatica species Species :Vatica spp. and Cotylelobium spp. 原産地名 Common name :Resak2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimens2023-03-02
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13324
fileno fileno :Kw12950 KYOw: KYOw13324 family Family :Pinaceae genus Genus :Abies species Species :Abies sachalinensis Fr. Schm. var. mayriana Miyabe et Kudo 和名 Japanese name :オオシラビソ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13325
fileno fileno :Kw12951 KYOw: KYOw13325 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Dipterocarpus species Species :Dipterocarpus sp. 和名 Japanese name :アピトン2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13326
fileno fileno :Kw12952 KYOw: KYOw13326 family Family :Pinaceae genus Genus :Larix species Species :Larix dahurica Turcz. 和名 Japanese name :ダフリカカラマツ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13327
fileno fileno :Kw12953 KYOw: KYOw13327 family Family :Cupressaceae genus Genus :Chamaecyparis species Species :Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl. 和名 Japanese name :ローソンヒノキ 一般名(英語名) English name :Port Orford Cedar2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13328
fileno fileno :Kw12954 KYOw: KYOw13328 family Family :Pinaceae genus Genus :Keteleeria species Species :Keteleeria sp. 和名 Japanese name :シマモミ属 原産地名 Common name :May Hin2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13329
fileno fileno :Kw12955 KYOw: KYOw13329 family Family :Pinaceae genus Genus :Keteleeria species Species :Keteleeria sp. 和名 Japanese name :シマモミ属 原産地名 Common name :May Hin2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13330
fileno fileno :Kw12956 KYOw: KYOw13330 family Family :Pinaceae genus Genus :Keteleeria species Species :Keteleeria sp. 和名 Japanese name :シマモミ属 原産地名 Common name :May Hin2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13331
fileno fileno :Kw12957 KYOw: KYOw13331 family Family :Oleaceae genus Genus :Fraxinus species Species :Fraxinus excelsior 一般名(英語名) English name :Ash2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13332
fileno fileno :Kw12958 KYOw: KYOw13332 family Family :Oleaceae genus Genus :Fraxinus species Species :Fraxinus excelsior 一般名(英語名) English name :Ash2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13333
fileno fileno :Kw12959 KYOw: KYOw13333 family Family :Betulaceae genus Genus :Carpinus species Species :Carpinus betulus 一般名(英語名) English name :Hornbeam2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13334
fileno fileno :Kw12960 KYOw: KYOw13334 family Family :Platanaceae genus Genus :Platanus species Species :Platanus pseudoacacia 一般名(英語名) English name :Sycamore2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13335
fileno fileno :Kw12961 KYOw: KYOw13335 family Family :Fagaceae genus Genus :Fagus species Species :Fagus sylvatica 一般名(英語名) English name :Beech2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13336
fileno fileno :Kw12962 KYOw: KYOw13336 family Family :Betulaceae genus Genus :Alnus species Species :Alnus glutinosa 一般名(英語名) English name :Alder2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13337
fileno fileno :Kw12963 KYOw: KYOw13337 family Family :Rosaceae genus Genus :Mespilus species Species :Mespilus germanica 一般名(英語名) English name :Mispel2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13338
fileno fileno :Kw12964 KYOw: KYOw13338 family Family :Oleaceae genus Genus :Syringa species Species :Syringa vulgaris 一般名(英語名) English name :Flieder2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13339
fileno fileno :Kw12965 KYOw: KYOw13339 family Family :Vitaceae genus Genus :Vitis species Species :Vitis vinifera 一般名(英語名) English name :Wine tree2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13340
fileno fileno :Kw12966 KYOw: KYOw13340 family Family :Fagaceae genus Genus :Quercus species Species :Quercus sp. 一般名(英語名) English name :Oak2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13341
fileno fileno :Kw12967 KYOw: KYOw13341 family Family :Fagaceae genus Genus :Quercus species Species :Quercus sp. 一般名(英語名) English name :Oak2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13342
fileno fileno :Kw12968 KYOw: KYOw13342 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Anacardium species Species :Anacardium giganteum 原産地名 Common name :Cajuacu2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13343
fileno fileno :Kw12969 KYOw: KYOw13343 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Astronium species Species :Astronium lecointei 原産地名 Common name :Muiracatiara2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13344
fileno fileno :Kw12970 KYOw: KYOw13344 family Family :Apocynaceae genus Genus :Aspidosperma species Species :Aspidosperma obscurinervium 原産地名 Common name :Piquia marfim roxo2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13345
fileno fileno :Kw12971 KYOw: KYOw13345 family Family :Apocynaceae genus Genus :Aspidosperma species Species :Aspidosperma album 原産地名 Common name :Piquia marfim2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13346
fileno fileno :Kw12972 KYOw: KYOw13346 family Family :Annonaceae genus Genus :Onychopetalum species Species :Onychopetalum amazonicum 原産地名 Common name :Envira preta2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13347
fileno fileno :Kw12973 KYOw: KYOw13347 family Family :Bignoniaceae genus Genus :Jacaranda species Species :Jacaranda copaia 原産地名 Common name :Caroba2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13348
fileno fileno :Kw12974 KYOw: KYOw13348 family Family :Bombacaceae genus Genus :Cordia species Species :Cordia goeldiana 原産地名 Common name :Freijo2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13349
fileno fileno :Kw12975 KYOw: KYOw13349 family Family :Bombacaceae genus Genus :Scleronema species Species :Scleronema micranthum 原産地名 Common name :Cardeiro2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13350
fileno fileno :Kw12976 KYOw: KYOw13350 family Family :Caesalpiniaceae genus Genus :Copaifera species Species :Copaifera multijuga 原産地名 Common name :Copaiba2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13351
fileno fileno :Kw12977 KYOw: KYOw13351 family Family :Caesalpiniaceae genus Genus :Hymenaea species Species :Hymenaea intermedia 原産地名 Common name :Jatoba2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13352
fileno fileno :Kw12978 KYOw: KYOw13352 family Family :Caesalpiniaceae genus Genus :Peltogyne species Species :Peltogyne catingae 原産地名 Common name :Violeta2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13353
fileno fileno :Kw12979 KYOw: KYOw13353 family Family :Caesalpiniaceae genus Genus :Swartzia species Species :Swartzia panacoco 原産地名 Common name :Coracao de negro2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13354
fileno fileno :Kw12980 KYOw: KYOw13354 family Family :Caesalpiniaceae genus Genus :Tachigalia species Species :Tachigalia sp. 原産地名 Common name :Tachi2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13355
fileno fileno :Kw12981 KYOw: KYOw13355 family Family :Caryocaraceae genus Genus :Caryocar species Species :Caryocar glabrum 原産地名 Common name :Piquia2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13356
fileno fileno :Kw12982 KYOw: KYOw13356 family Family :Caryocaraceae genus Genus :Caryocar species Species :Caryocar sp. 原産地名 Common name :Piquiarana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13357
fileno fileno :Kw12983 KYOw: KYOw13357 family Family :Celastraceae genus Genus :Goupia species Species :Goupia glabra 原産地名 Common name :Cupiuba2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13358
fileno fileno :Kw12984 KYOw: KYOw13358 family Family :Clusiaceae genus Genus :Calophyllum species Species :Calophyllum brasiliense 原産地名 Common name :Jacareuba2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13359
fileno fileno :Kw12985 KYOw: KYOw13359 family Family :Combretaceae genus Genus :Buchenavia species Species :Buchenavia oxycarpa 原産地名 Common name :Tanimbuca2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13360
fileno fileno :Kw12986 KYOw: KYOw13360 family Family :Euphorbiaceae genus Genus :Hura species Species :Hura crepitans 原産地名 Common name :Assacu2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13361
fileno fileno :Kw12987 KYOw: KYOw13361 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Alexa species Species :Alexa grandiflora 原産地名 Common name :Melancieira2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13362
fileno fileno :Kw12988 KYOw: KYOw13362 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Andira species Species :Andira parviflora 原産地名 Common name :Sucupira vermelha2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13363
fileno fileno :Kw12989 KYOw: KYOw13363 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Diplotropis species Species :Diplotropis purpurea 原産地名 Common name :Sucupira preta2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13364
fileno fileno :Kw12990 KYOw: KYOw13364 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Dipteryx species Species :Dipteryx odorata 原産地名 Common name :Cumaru2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13365
fileno fileno :Kw12991 KYOw: KYOw13365 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Dipteryx species Species :Dipteryx poliphylla 原産地名 Common name :Cumarurana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13366
fileno fileno :Kw12992 KYOw: KYOw13366 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Hymenolobium species Species :Hymenolobium excelsum 原産地名 Common name :Angelth da mata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13367
fileno fileno :Kw12993 KYOw: KYOw13367 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Hymenolobium species Species :Hymenolobium pulcherrimum 原産地名 Common name :Angelim pedra2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13368
fileno fileno :Kw12994 KYOw: KYOw13368 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Platymiscium species Species :Platymiscium duckei 原産地名 Common name :Macacauba2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13369
fileno fileno :Kw12995 KYOw: KYOw13369 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Torresea species Species :Torresea acreana 原産地名 Common name :Cerejeira2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13370
fileno fileno :Kw12996 KYOw: KYOw13370 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Aniba species Species :Aniba canelilla 原産地名 Common name :Preciosa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13371
fileno fileno :Kw12997 KYOw: KYOw13371 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Licaria species Species :Licaria aritu 原産地名 Common name :Louro aritu2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13372
fileno fileno :Kw12998 KYOw: KYOw13372 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Licaria species Species :Licaria burchellii 原産地名 Common name :Louro chumbo2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13373
fileno fileno :Kw12999 KYOw: KYOw13373 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Mezilaurus species Species :Mezilaurus itauba 原産地名 Common name :Louro itauba2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13374
fileno fileno :Kw13000 KYOw: KYOw13374 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Nectandra species Species :Nectandra rubra 原産地名 Common name :Louro gamela2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13375
fileno fileno :Kw13001 KYOw: KYOw13375 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Ocotea species Species :Ocotea cymbarum 原産地名 Common name :Louro inhamui2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13376
fileno fileno :Kw13002 KYOw: KYOw13376 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Ocotea species Species :Ocotea sp. 原産地名 Common name :Louro preto2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13377
fileno fileno :Kw13003 KYOw: KYOw13377 family Family :Lecythidaceae genus Genus :Couratari species Species :Couratari oblongifolia 原産地名 Common name :Castanheira2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw13378
fileno fileno :Kw13004 KYOw: KYOw13378 family Family :Lecythidaceae genus Genus :Couratari species Species :Couratari stelata 原産地名 Common name :Tauari2023-03-02