標準材鑑Wood specimens 一覧 全Archives 20886 件 Records
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1867
fileno fileno :Kw01903 KYOw: KYOw1867 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus muelleriana Howitt 一般名(英語名) English name :Yellow stringybark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1868
fileno fileno :Kw01904 KYOw: KYOw1868 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus obliqua L'Heritier 一般名(英語名) English name :Messmate stringy-bark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1869
fileno fileno :Kw01905 KYOw: KYOw1869 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus paniculata Smith 一般名(英語名) English name :Gray ironbark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1870
fileno fileno :Kw01906 KYOw: KYOw1870 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus pilularis Smith 一般名(英語名) English name :Blackbutt2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1871
fileno fileno :Kw01907 KYOw: KYOw1871 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus propinqua Deane and Maiden 一般名(英語名) English name :Grey gum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1872
fileno fileno :Kw01908 KYOw: KYOw1872 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus quadrangulata Deane and Maiden 一般名(英語名) English name :White-topped box2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1873
fileno fileno :Kw01909 KYOw: KYOw1873 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus rostrata Schlechtendal 一般名(英語名) English name :River red gum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1874
fileno fileno :Kw01910 KYOw: KYOw1874 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus acmenioides Schauer 一般名(英語名) English name :White mahogany2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1875
fileno fileno :Kw01911 KYOw: KYOw1875 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus capitellata Smith 一般名(英語名) English name :Brown stringybark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1876
fileno fileno :Kw01912 KYOw: KYOw1876 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus viminalis Labillardiere 一般名(英語名) English name :Manna gum, White gum, Ribbon gum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1877
fileno fileno :Kw01913 KYOw: KYOw1877 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith 一般名(英語名) English name :Forest red gum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1878
fileno fileno :Kw01914 KYOw: KYOw1878 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus sieberiana F.v.Mueller 一般名(英語名) English name :Silver-top ash2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1879
fileno fileno :Kw01915 KYOw: KYOw1879 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus sideroxylon A.Cunningham 一般名(英語名) English name :Red ironbark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1880
fileno fileno :Kw01916 KYOw: KYOw1880 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus resinifera Smith 一般名(英語名) English name :Red mahogany2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1881
fileno fileno :Kw01917 KYOw: KYOw1881 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus crebra F.v.Mueller 一般名(英語名) English name :Narrow-leaved red ironbark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1882
fileno fileno :Kw01918 KYOw: KYOw1882 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus corymbosa Smith 一般名(英語名) English name :Red bloodwood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1883
fileno fileno :Kw01919 KYOw: KYOw1883 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Syncarpia species Species :Syncarpia laurifolia Tenore 一般名(英語名) English name :Turpentine2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1884
fileno fileno :Kw01920 KYOw: KYOw1884 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Tristania species Species :Tristania conferta R.Brown 一般名(英語名) English name :Brush box2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1885
fileno fileno :Kw01921 KYOw: KYOw1885 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Angophora species Species :Angophora lanceolata Cavanilles 一般名(英語名) English name :Smooth-barked apple2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1891
fileno fileno :Kw01922 KYOw: KYOw1891 family Family :Podocarpaceae genus Genus :Dacrydium species Species :Dacrydium franklinii Hook,f. 一般名(英語名) English name :Dacrydium franklinii2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1892
fileno fileno :Kw01923 KYOw: KYOw1892 family Family :Podocarpaceae genus Genus :Phyllocladus species Species :Phyllocladus rhomboidalis L.C.Rich 一般名(英語名) English name :Phyllocladus rhomboidalis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1893
fileno fileno :Kw01924 KYOw: KYOw1893 family Family :Araucariaceae genus Genus :Araucaria species Species :Araucaria cunninghamii Ait. 一般名(英語名) English name :Araucaria cunninghamii2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1894
fileno fileno :Kw01925 KYOw: KYOw1894 family Family :Cupressaceae genus Genus :Callitris species Species :Callitris glauca R.Br. 一般名(英語名) English name :Callitris glauca2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1895
fileno fileno :Kw01926 KYOw: KYOw1895 family Family :Cupressaceae genus Genus :Callitris species Species :Callitris macleayana Benth. and Hook. 一般名(英語名) English name :Callitris macleayana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1896
fileno fileno :Kw01927 KYOw: KYOw1896 family Family :Fagaceae genus Genus :Nothofagus species Species :Nothofagus cunninghamii Oerst. 一般名(英語名) English name :Nothofagus cunninghamii2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1897
fileno fileno :Kw01928 KYOw: KYOw1897 family Family :Casuarinaceae genus Genus :Casuarina species Species :Casuarina luehmanni R.T.Bak. 一般名(英語名) English name :Casuarina luehmanni2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1898
fileno fileno :Kw01929 KYOw: KYOw1898 family Family :Monimiaceae genus Genus :Daphnandra species Species :Daphnandra micrantha Benth. 一般名(英語名) English name :Daphnandra micrantha2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1899
fileno fileno :Kw01930 KYOw: KYOw1899 family Family :Monimiaceae genus Genus :Doryphora species Species :Doryphora sassafras Endl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Doryphora sassafras2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1900
fileno fileno :Kw01931 KYOw: KYOw1900 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Endiandra species Species :Endiandra discolor Benth. 一般名(英語名) English name :Endiandra discolor2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1901
fileno fileno :Kw01932 KYOw: KYOw1901 family Family :Eucryphiaceae genus Genus :Eucryphia species Species :Eucryphia billardieri Spach. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucryphia billardieri2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1902
fileno fileno :Kw01933 KYOw: KYOw1902 family Family :Rutaceae genus Genus :Flindersia species Species :Flindersia acuminata C.T. 一般名(英語名) English name :Flindersia acuminata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1903
fileno fileno :Kw01934 KYOw: KYOw1903 family Family :Rutaceae genus Genus :Flindersia species Species :Flindersia bennettiana F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Flindersia bennettiana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1904
fileno fileno :Kw01935 KYOw: KYOw1904 family Family :Rutaceae genus Genus :Flindersia species Species :Flindersia brayleyana F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Flindersia brayleyana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1905
fileno fileno :Kw01936 KYOw: KYOw1905 family Family :Rutaceae genus Genus :Flindersia species Species :Flindersia schottiana F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Flindersia schottiana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1906
fileno fileno :Kw01937 KYOw: KYOw1906 family Family :Rutaceae genus Genus :Phebalium species Species :Phebalium squameum (Labill.) Engl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Phebalium squameum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1907
fileno fileno :Kw01938 KYOw: KYOw1907 family Family :Meliaceae genus Genus :Cedrela species Species :Cedrela australis C.DC. 一般名(英語名) English name :Cedrela australis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1908
fileno fileno :Kw01939 KYOw: KYOw1908 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Rhodosphaera species Species :Rhodosphaera rhodanthema Engl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Rhodosphaera rhodanthema2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1909
fileno fileno :Kw01940 KYOw: KYOw1909 family Family :Rhamnaceae genus Genus :Alphitonia species Species :Alphitonia excelsa Reiss. 一般名(英語名) English name :Alphitonia excelsa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1910
fileno fileno :Kw01941 KYOw: KYOw1910 family Family :Elaeocarpaceae genus Genus :Elaeocarpus species Species :Elaeocarpus grandis F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Elaeocarpus grandis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1911
fileno fileno :Kw01942 KYOw: KYOw1911 family Family :Elaeocarpaceae genus Genus :Elaeocarpus species Species :Elaeocarpus holopetalus F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Elaeocarpus holopetalus2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1912
fileno fileno :Kw01943 KYOw: KYOw1912 family Family :Elaeocarpaceae genus Genus :Sloanea species Species :Sloanea australis F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Sloanea australis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1913
fileno fileno :Kw01944 KYOw: KYOw1913 family Family :Elaeocarpaceae genus Genus :Sloanea species Species :Sloanea woollsii F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Sloanea woollsii2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1914
fileno fileno :Kw01945 KYOw: KYOw1914 family Family :Saxifragaceae genus Genus :Ceratopetalum species Species :Ceratopetalum apetalum Don 一般名(英語名) English name :Ceratopetalum apetalum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1915
fileno fileno :Kw01946 KYOw: KYOw1915 family Family :Cunoniaceae genus Genus :Ackama species Species :Ackama paniculata Engl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Ackama paniculata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1916
fileno fileno :Kw01947 KYOw: KYOw1916 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Acacia species Species :Acacia elata A.Cunn. 一般名(英語名) English name :Acacia elata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1917
fileno fileno :Kw01948 KYOw: KYOw1917 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Acacia species Species :Acacia melanoxylon R.Br. 一般名(英語名) English name :Acacia melanoxylon2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1918
fileno fileno :Kw01949 KYOw: KYOw1918 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus propinqua Deane and Maid. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus propinqua2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1919
fileno fileno :Kw01950 KYOw: KYOw1919 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus resinifera Sm. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus resinifera2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1920
fileno fileno :Kw01951 KYOw: KYOw1920 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus saligna Sm. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus saligna2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1921
fileno fileno :Kw01952 KYOw: KYOw1921 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus sieberiana F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus sieberiana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1922
fileno fileno :Kw01953 KYOw: KYOw1922 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus sieberiana F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus sieberiana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1923
fileno fileno :Kw01954 KYOw: KYOw1923 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus tereticornis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1924
fileno fileno :Kw01955 KYOw: KYOw1924 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus viminalis Labill. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus viminalis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1925
fileno fileno :Kw01956 KYOw: KYOw1925 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus bicostata Maid. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus bicostata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1926
fileno fileno :Kw01957 KYOw: KYOw1926 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus botryoides Sm. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus botryoides2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1927
fileno fileno :Kw01958 KYOw: KYOw1927 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus canaliculata 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus canaliculata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1928
fileno fileno :Kw01959 KYOw: KYOw1928 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus cornuta Labill. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus cornuta2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1929
fileno fileno :Kw01960 KYOw: KYOw1929 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus dalrympleana Maid. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus dalrympleana2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1930
fileno fileno :Kw01961 KYOw: KYOw1930 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus eugenioides Sieb. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus eugenioides2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1931
fileno fileno :Kw01962 KYOw: KYOw1931 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus fastigata Deane and Maid. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus fastigata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1932
fileno fileno :Kw01963 KYOw: KYOw1932 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus gigantea Hook. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus gigantea2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1933
fileno fileno :Kw01964 KYOw: KYOw1933 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus goniocalyx F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus goniocalyx2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1934
fileno fileno :Kw01965 KYOw: KYOw1934 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus grandis (W.Hill) Maid. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus grandis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1935
fileno fileno :Kw01966 KYOw: KYOw1935 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus leucoxylon F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus leucoxylon2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1936
fileno fileno :Kw01967 KYOw: KYOw1936 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus macrorrhyncha F.Muell. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus macrorrhyncha2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1937
fileno fileno :Kw01968 KYOw: KYOw1937 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus maculata Hook. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus maculata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1938
fileno fileno :Kw01969 KYOw: KYOw1938 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus marginata Sm. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus marginata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1939
fileno fileno :Kw01970 KYOw: KYOw1939 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus melliodora A.Cunn. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus melliodora2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1940
fileno fileno :Kw01971 KYOw: KYOw1940 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus ovata Labill. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus ovata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1941
fileno fileno :Kw01972 KYOw: KYOw1941 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus paniculata Sm. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus paniculata2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1942
fileno fileno :Kw01973 KYOw: KYOw1942 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus polyanthemos Schou. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eucalyptus polyanthemos2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1943
fileno fileno :Kw01974 KYOw: KYOw1943 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Backhousia species Species :Backhousia myrtifolia Hook. 一般名(英語名) English name :Backhousia myrtifolia2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1944
fileno fileno :Kw01975 KYOw: KYOw1944 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eugenia species Species :Eugenia myrtifolia Sims. 一般名(英語名) English name :Eugenia myrtifolia2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1945
fileno fileno :Kw01976 KYOw: KYOw1945 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Melaleuca species Species :Melaleuca pauciflora Turcz. 一般名(英語名) English name :Melaleuca pauciflora2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1946
fileno fileno :Kw01977 KYOw: KYOw1946 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Syncarpia species Species :Syncarpia laurifolia Ten. 一般名(英語名) English name :Syncarpia laurifolia2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1947
fileno fileno :Kw01978 KYOw: KYOw1947 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Tristania species Species :Tristania conferta R.Br. 一般名(英語名) English name :Tristania conferta2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1948
fileno fileno :Kw01979 KYOw: KYOw1948 family Family :Sapotaceae genus Genus :Planchonella species Species :Planchonella australis Pierre 一般名(英語名) English name :Planchonella australis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1949
fileno fileno :Kw01980 KYOw: KYOw1949 family Family :Araliaceae genus Genus :Polyscias species Species :Polyscias murrayi Harms. 一般名(英語名) English name :Polyscias murrayi2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1950
fileno fileno :Kw01981 KYOw: KYOw1950 family Family :Icacinaceae genus Genus :Citronella species Species :Citronella moorei Howard 一般名(英語名) English name :Citronella moorei2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1951
fileno fileno :Kw01982 KYOw: KYOw1951 family Family :? genus Genus :? species Species :? 一般名(英語名) English name :?2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1952
fileno fileno :Kw01983 KYOw: KYOw1952 family Family :? genus Genus :? species Species :? 一般名(英語名) English name :?2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1953
fileno fileno :Kw01984 KYOw: KYOw1953 family Family :? genus Genus :? species Species :? 一般名(英語名) English name :?2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1961
fileno fileno :Kw01985 KYOw: KYOw1961 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Sequoia species Species :Sequoia sempervirens Endl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Semper sequoia, Red wood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1962
fileno fileno :Kw01986 KYOw: KYOw1962 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Sequoia species Species :Sequoia sempervirens Endl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Semper sequoia, Red wood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1964
fileno fileno :Kw01987 KYOw: KYOw1964 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Sequoia species Species :Sequoia sempervirens Endl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Semper sequoia, Red wood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1965
fileno fileno :Kw01988 KYOw: KYOw1965 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Sequoia species Species :Sequoia sempervirens Endl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Semper sequoia, Red wood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1966
fileno fileno :Kw01989 KYOw: KYOw1966 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Sequoia species Species :Sequoia sempervirens Endl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Semper sequoia, Red wood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1967
fileno fileno :Kw01990 KYOw: KYOw1967 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Sequoia species Species :Sequoia sempervirens Endl. 一般名(英語名) English name :Semper sequoia, Red wood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1968
fileno fileno :Kw01991 KYOw: KYOw1968 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Metasequoia species Species :Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng 一般名(英語名) English name :Metasequoia2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1971
fileno fileno :Kw01992 KYOw: KYOw1971 family Family :Sapindaceae genus Genus :Pometia species Species :Pometia pinnata Forst. 一般名(英語名) English name :Matoa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1972
fileno fileno :Kw01993 KYOw: KYOw1972 family Family :Sapindaceae genus Genus :Pometia species Species :Pometia pinnata Forst. 一般名(英語名) English name :Matoa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1973
fileno fileno :Kw01994 KYOw: KYOw1973 family Family :Sapindaceae genus Genus :Pometia species Species :Pometia pinnata Forst. 一般名(英語名) English name :Matoa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1974
fileno fileno :Kw01995 KYOw: KYOw1974 family Family :Sapindaceae genus Genus :Pometia species Species :Pometia pinnata Forst. 一般名(英語名) English name :Matoa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1975
fileno fileno :Kw01996 KYOw: KYOw1975 family Family :Sapindaceae genus Genus :Pometia species Species :Pometia pinnata Forst. 一般名(英語名) English name :Matoa2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1976
fileno fileno :Kw01997 KYOw: KYOw1976 family Family :Thymelaeaceae genus Genus :Gonystylus species Species :Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz. 一般名(英語名) English name :Ramin2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1979
fileno fileno :Kw01998 KYOw: KYOw1979 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Afrormosia species Species :Afrormosia sp. 一般名(英語名) English name :Afrormosia2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1981
fileno fileno :Kw01999 KYOw: KYOw1981 family Family :Araucariaceae genus Genus :Agathis species Species :Agathis alba (Lam.) Foxw. 一般名(英語名) English name :Agathis2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1982
fileno fileno :Kw02000 KYOw: KYOw1982 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Taiwania species Species :Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata 和名 Japanese name :タイワンスギ 一般名(英語名) English name :Taiwansugi2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1983
fileno fileno :Kw02001 KYOw: KYOw1983 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Cunninghamia species Species :Cunninghamia lanceolata Hood v. konishii Fujita 和名 Japanese name :ランダイスギ 一般名(英語名) English name :Randaisugi2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw1984
fileno fileno :Kw02002 KYOw: KYOw1984 family Family :Taxodiaceae genus Genus :Cunninghamia species Species :Cunninghamia lanceolata Hood v. konishii Fujita 和名 Japanese name :ランダイスギ 一般名(英語名) English name :Randaisugi2023-03-02