標準材鑑Wood specimens 一覧 全Archives 20886 件 Records
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10366
fileno fileno :Kw10004 KYOw: KYOw10366 family Family :Aquifoliaceae genus Genus :Ilex species Species :Ilex macropoda Miq. 和名 Japanese name :アオハダ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10367
fileno fileno :Kw10005 KYOw: KYOw10367 family Family :Aquifoliaceae genus Genus :Ilex species Species :Ilex sugeroki Maxim. subsp. brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Makino 和名 Japanese name :アカミノイヌツゲ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10368
fileno fileno :Kw10006 KYOw: KYOw10368 family Family :Aceraceae genus Genus :Acer species Species :Acer carpinifolium Sieb. et Zucc. 和名 Japanese name :チドリノキ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10369
fileno fileno :Kw10007 KYOw: KYOw10369 family Family :Aceraceae genus Genus :Acer species Species :Acer rufinerve Sieb. et Zucc. 和名 Japanese name :ウリハダカエデ?2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10370
fileno fileno :Kw10008 KYOw: KYOw10370 family Family :Hippocastanaceae genus Genus :Aesculus species Species :Aesculus turbinata Blume 和名 Japanese name :トチノキ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10371
fileno fileno :Kw10009 KYOw: KYOw10371 family Family :Vitaceae genus Genus :Vitis species Species :Vitis coignetiae Pulliat2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10372
fileno fileno :Kw10010 KYOw: KYOw10372 family Family :Actinidiaceae genus Genus :Actinidia species Species :Actinidia polygama (Sieb. et Zucc.) Maxim. 和名 Japanese name :マタタビ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10373
fileno fileno :Kw10011 KYOw: KYOw10373 family Family :Actinidiaceae genus Genus :Actinidia species Species :Actinidia argura (Sieb. et Zucc.) Planch. 和名 Japanese name :サルナシ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10374
fileno fileno :Kw10012 KYOw: KYOw10374 family Family :Actinidiaceae genus Genus :Actinidia species Species :Actinidia argura (Sieb. et Zucc.) Planch. 和名 Japanese name :サルナシ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10375
fileno fileno :Kw10013 KYOw: KYOw10375 family Family :Cornaceae genus Genus :Cornus species Species :Cornus controversa Hemsl. 和名 Japanese name :ミズキ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10376
fileno fileno :Kw10014 KYOw: KYOw10376 family Family :Ericaceae genus Genus :Menziesia species Species :Menziesia ciliicalyx (Miq.) Maxim. 和名 Japanese name :ウスギヨウラク2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10377
fileno fileno :Kw10015 KYOw: KYOw10377 family Family :Styracaceae genus Genus :Styrax species Species :Styrax obassia Sieb. et Zucc. 和名 Japanese name :ハクウンボク2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10378
fileno fileno :Kw10016 KYOw: KYOw10378 family Family :Caprifoliaceae genus Genus :Viburnum species Species :Viburnum furcatum Blume 和名 Japanese name :オオカメノキ2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimens2023-03-02
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10381
fileno fileno :Kw10018 KYOw: KYOw10381 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea albida Sym. 原産地名 Common name :Alan2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10382
fileno fileno :Kw10019 KYOw: KYOw10382 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Eusideroxylon species Species :Eusideroxylon zwageri Teysm & Binn. 原産地名 Common name :Belian2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10383
fileno fileno :Kw10020 KYOw: KYOw10383 family Family :Araucariaceae genus Genus :Agathis species Species :Agathis borneensis Warb. 原産地名 Common name :Bindang2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10384
fileno fileno :Kw10021 KYOw: KYOw10384 family Family :Guttiferae genus Genus :Calophyllum species Species :Calophyllum sp. 原産地名 Common name :Bingangor2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10385
fileno fileno :Kw10022 KYOw: KYOw10385 family Family :Bombacaceae genus Genus :Durio species Species :Durio sp. 原産地名 Common name :Durian burung2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10386
fileno fileno :Kw10023 KYOw: KYOw10386 family Family :Guttiferae genus Genus :Cratoxylon species Species :Cratoxylon arborescens (Vahl.) Bl. and glaucum Kouth. 原産地名 Common name :Geronggang2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10386
fileno fileno :Kw10024 KYOw: KYOw10386 family Family :Hypericaceae genus Genus :Cratoxylon species Species :Cratoxylon arborescens (Vahl.) Bl. and glaucum Kouth. 原産地名 Common name :Geronggang2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10387
fileno fileno :Kw10025 KYOw: KYOw10387 family Family :Crypteroniaceae genus Genus :Dactylocladus species Species :Dactylocladus stenostachys Oliv. 原産地名 Common name :Jongkong2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10387
fileno fileno :Kw10026 KYOw: KYOw10387 family Family :Melastomataceae genus Genus :Dactylocladus species Species :Dactylocladus stenostachys Oliv. 原産地名 Common name :Jongkong2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10388
fileno fileno :Kw10027 KYOw: KYOw10388 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Dryobalanops species Species :Dryobalanops sp. 原産地名 Common name :Kapur2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10389
fileno fileno :Kw10028 KYOw: KYOw10389 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Dryobalanops species Species :Dryobalanops rappa Becc. 原産地名 Common name :Kapur paya2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10390
fileno fileno :Kw10029 KYOw: KYOw10390 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Dryobalanops species Species :Dryobalanops sp. 原産地名 Common name :Keruing2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10391
fileno fileno :Kw10030 KYOw: KYOw10391 family Family :Rhizophoraceae genus Genus :Combretocarpus species Species :Combretocarpus rotundatus (Miq.) Danser 原産地名 Common name :Keruntum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10392
fileno fileno :Kw10031 KYOw: KYOw10392 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Litsea species Species :Litsea palustris Kostermans 原産地名 Common name :Medang pakang2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10393
fileno fileno :Kw10032 KYOw: KYOw10393 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Koompassia species Species :Koompassia malaccensis Maingay ex Benth. 原産地名 Common name :Mengeris2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10394
fileno fileno :Kw10033 KYOw: KYOw10394 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea sp. 一般名(英語名) English name :Dark red meranti2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10395
fileno fileno :Kw10034 KYOw: KYOw10395 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea sp. 一般名(英語名) English name :Light red meranti2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10396
fileno fileno :Kw10035 KYOw: KYOw10396 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea sp. 一般名(英語名) English name :White meranti2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10397
fileno fileno :Kw10036 KYOw: KYOw10397 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea sp. 一般名(英語名) English name :Yellow meranti2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10398
fileno fileno :Kw10037 KYOw: KYOw10398 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Intsia species Species :Intsia palembanica Miq. 原産地名 Common name :Merbau2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10399
fileno fileno :Kw10038 KYOw: KYOw10399 family Family :Sapotaceae genus Genus :Palaquium species Species :Palaquium and Payena spp. 原産地名 Common name :Nyatoh2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10400
fileno fileno :Kw10039 KYOw: KYOw10400 family Family :Apocynaceae genus Genus :Alstonia species Species :Alstonia sp. 原産地名 Common name :Pulai2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10401
fileno fileno :Kw10040 KYOw: KYOw10401 family Family :Gonystylaceae genus Genus :Gonystylus species Species :Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz 原産地名 Common name :Ramin2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10402
fileno fileno :Kw10041 KYOw: KYOw10402 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Gluta species Species :Gluta and Melanorrhoea spp.2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10402
fileno fileno :Kw10042 KYOw: KYOw10402 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Melanorrhoea species Species :Melanorrhoea and Gluta spp. 原産地名 Common name :Rengas2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10403
fileno fileno :Kw10043 KYOw: KYOw10403 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Cotylelobium species Species :Cotylelobium and Vatica spp. 原産地名 Common name :Resak2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10404
fileno fileno :Kw10044 KYOw: KYOw10404 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Vatica species Species :Vatica and Cotylelobium spp.2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10404
fileno fileno :Kw10045 KYOw: KYOw10404 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Hopea species Species :Hopea sp. 原産地名 Common name :Selangan2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10405
fileno fileno :Kw10046 KYOw: KYOw10405 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea sp. 原産地名 Common name :Selangan batu2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10406
fileno fileno :Kw10047 KYOw: KYOw10406 family Family :Dipterocarpaceae genus Genus :Shorea species Species :Shorea inaequilateralis Sym. 原産地名 Common name :Semayur2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10407
fileno fileno :Kw10048 KYOw: KYOw10407 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Copaifera species Species :Copaifera palustris (Sym.) De Wit 原産地名 Common name :Sepetir2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10408
fileno fileno :Kw10049 KYOw: KYOw10408 family Family :Dilleniaceae genus Genus :Dillenia species Species :Dillenia sp. 原産地名 Common name :Simpoh2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10409
fileno fileno :Kw10050 KYOw: KYOw10409 family Family :Anacardiaceae genus Genus :Campnosperma species Species :Campnosperma sp. 原産地名 Common name :Terentang2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10411
fileno fileno :Kw10051 KYOw: KYOw10411 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Acacia species Species :Acacia aneura 原産地名 Common name :Mulga2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10412
fileno fileno :Kw10052 KYOw: KYOw10412 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Acacia species Species :Acacia aulacocarpa 一般名(英語名) English name :Brown salwood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10413
fileno fileno :Kw10053 KYOw: KYOw10413 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Acacia species Species :Acacia harpophylla 一般名(英語名) English name :Brigalow2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10414
fileno fileno :Kw10054 KYOw: KYOw10414 family Family :Cunoniaceae genus Genus :Caldcluvia species Species :Caldcluvia australiensis 一般名(英語名) English name :Rose alder2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10415
fileno fileno :Kw10055 KYOw: KYOw10415 family Family :Araucariaceae genus Genus :Agathis species Species :Agathis robusta 一般名(英語名) English name :Queensland kauri pine2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10416
fileno fileno :Kw10056 KYOw: KYOw10416 family Family :Simaroubaceae genus Genus :Ailanthus species Species :Ailanthus triphysa 一般名(英語名) English name :White siris2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10417
fileno fileno :Kw10057 KYOw: KYOw10417 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Albizzia species Species :Albizzia toona 一般名(英語名) English name :Red siris2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10418
fileno fileno :Kw10058 KYOw: KYOw10418 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Albizzia species Species :Albizzia xanthoxylon 一般名(英語名) English name :Yellow siris2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10419
fileno fileno :Kw10059 KYOw: KYOw10419 family Family :Rhamnaceae genus Genus :Alphitonia species Species :Alphitonia petriei 一般名(英語名) English name :Pink ash2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10420
fileno fileno :Kw10060 KYOw: KYOw10420 family Family :Apocynaceae genus Genus :Alstonia species Species :Alstonia scholaris 一般名(英語名) English name :White cheesewood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10421
fileno fileno :Kw10061 KYOw: KYOw10421 family Family :Araucariaceae genus Genus :Araucaria species Species :Araucaria cunninghamii 一般名(英語名) English name :Hoop pine2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10422
fileno fileno :Kw10062 KYOw: KYOw10422 family Family :Euphorbiaceae genus Genus :Argyrodendron species Species :Argyrodendron trifoliolatum 一般名(英語名) English name :Brown tulip oak2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10423
fileno fileno :Kw10063 KYOw: KYOw10423 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Backhousia species Species :Backhousia bancroftii 一般名(英語名) English name :Johnstone river hardwood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10424
fileno fileno :Kw10064 KYOw: KYOw10424 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Beilschmiedia species Species :Beilschmiedia bancrofii 一般名(英語名) English name :Yellow walnut2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10425
fileno fileno :Kw10065 KYOw: KYOw10425 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Beilschmiedia species Species :Beilschmiedia obtusifolia 一般名(英語名) English name :Blush walnut2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10426
fileno fileno :Kw10066 KYOw: KYOw10426 family Family :Sapindaceae genus Genus :Blepharocarya species Species :Blepharocarya involucrigera 一般名(英語名) English name :Rose butternut2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10427
fileno fileno :Kw10067 KYOw: KYOw10427 family Family :Cupressaceae genus Genus :Callitris species Species :Callitris columellaris 一般名(英語名) English name :White cypress pine2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10428
fileno fileno :Kw10068 KYOw: KYOw10428 family Family :Cupressaceae genus Genus :Callitris species Species :Callitris macleayana 一般名(英語名) English name :Brush cypress pine2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10429
fileno fileno :Kw10069 KYOw: KYOw10429 family Family :Guttiferae genus Genus :Calophyllum species Species :Calophyllum costatum 一般名(英語名) English name :Red touriga2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10430
fileno fileno :Kw10070 KYOw: KYOw10430 family Family :Burseraceae genus Genus :Canarium species Species :Canarium australianum 一般名(英語名) English name :Scrub turpentine2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10431
fileno fileno :Kw10071 KYOw: KYOw10431 family Family :Proteaceae genus Genus :Cardwellia species Species :Cardwellia sublimis 一般名(英語名) English name :Norther silky oak2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10432
fileno fileno :Kw10072 KYOw: KYOw10432 family Family :Proteaceae genus Genus :Carnarvonia species Species :Carnarvonia araliifolia 一般名(英語名) English name :Caledonian oak2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10433
fileno fileno :Kw10073 KYOw: KYOw10433 family Family :Leguminosae genus Genus :Castanospermum species Species :Castanospermum australe 一般名(英語名) English name :Black bean2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10434
fileno fileno :Kw10074 KYOw: KYOw10434 family Family :Casuarinaceae genus Genus :Casuarina species Species :Casuarina torulosa 一般名(英語名) English name :Rose shoak2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10435
fileno fileno :Kw10075 KYOw: KYOw10435 family Family :Saxifragaceae genus Genus :Ceratopetalum species Species :Ceratopetalum succirubrum 一般名(英語名) English name :Satin sycamore2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10436
fileno fileno :Kw10076 KYOw: KYOw10436 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Choricarpia species Species :Choricarpia subarbentea 一般名(英語名) English name :Ironwood box2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10437
fileno fileno :Kw10077 KYOw: KYOw10437 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Cinnamomum species Species :Cinnamomum laubatii 一般名(英語名) English name :Pepperwood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10438
fileno fileno :Kw10078 KYOw: KYOw10438 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Cinnamomum species Species :Cinnamomum oliveri 一般名(英語名) English name :Camphorwood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10439
fileno fileno :Kw10079 KYOw: KYOw10439 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Cryptocarya species Species :Cryptocarya corrugata 一般名(英語名) English name :Corduroy laurel2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10440
fileno fileno :Kw10080 KYOw: KYOw10440 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Cryptocarya species Species :Cryptocarya oblata 一般名(英語名) English name :Bolly silkwood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10441
fileno fileno :Kw10081 KYOw: KYOw10441 family Family :Ebenaceae genus Genus :Diospyros species Species :Diospyros pentamera 一般名(英語名) English name :Grey persimmon2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10442
fileno fileno :Kw10082 KYOw: KYOw10442 family Family :Monimiaceae genus Genus :Doryphora species Species :Doryphora sassafras 一般名(英語名) English name :Sassafras2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10443
fileno fileno :Kw10083 KYOw: KYOw10443 family Family :Meliaceae genus Genus :Dysoxylum species Species :Dysoxylum pettigrewianum 一般名(英語名) English name :Spur mahogany2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10444
fileno fileno :Kw10084 KYOw: KYOw10444 family Family :Elaeocarpaceae genus Genus :Elaeocarpus species Species :Elaeocarpus grandis 一般名(英語名) English name :Silver quandong2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10445
fileno fileno :Kw10085 KYOw: KYOw10445 family Family :Elaeocarpaceae genus Genus :Elaeocarpus species Species :Elaeocarpus ruminatus 一般名(英語名) English name :Brown quandong2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10446
fileno fileno :Kw10086 KYOw: KYOw10446 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Endiandra species Species :Endiandra palmerstonii 一般名(英語名) English name :Queensland walnut2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10447
fileno fileno :Kw10087 KYOw: KYOw10447 family Family :Lauraceae genus Genus :Endiandra species Species :Endiandra sp. 一般名(英語名) English name :Brown walnut2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10448
fileno fileno :Kw10088 KYOw: KYOw10448 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus acmenioides 一般名(英語名) English name :White mahaogany2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10449
fileno fileno :Kw10089 KYOw: KYOw10449 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus cloeziana 一般名(英語名) English name :Gypie messmate2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10450
fileno fileno :Kw10090 KYOw: KYOw10450 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus crebra 一般名(英語名) English name :Narrow-leaved red ironbark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10451
fileno fileno :Kw10091 KYOw: KYOw10451 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus deanei 一般名(英語名) English name :Round-leaved gum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10452
fileno fileno :Kw10092 KYOw: KYOw10452 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus drepanophylla 一般名(英語名) English name :Grey ironbark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10453
fileno fileno :Kw10093 KYOw: KYOw10453 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus eugenioides 一般名(英語名) English name :White stringybark2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10454
fileno fileno :Kw10094 KYOw: KYOw10454 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus grandis 一般名(英語名) English name :Rosegum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10455
fileno fileno :Kw10095 KYOw: KYOw10455 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus intermedia 一般名(英語名) English name :Rose bloodwood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10456
fileno fileno :Kw10096 KYOw: KYOw10456 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus maculata 一般名(英語名) English name :Spotted gum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10457
fileno fileno :Kw10097 KYOw: KYOw10457 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus microcorys 一般名(英語名) English name :Tallowwood2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10458
fileno fileno :Kw10098 KYOw: KYOw10458 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus moluccana 一般名(英語名) English name :Grey box2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10459
fileno fileno :Kw10099 KYOw: KYOw10459 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus pilularis 一般名(英語名) English name :Blackbutt2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10460
fileno fileno :Kw10100 KYOw: KYOw10460 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus propinqua 一般名(英語名) English name :Grey gum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10461
fileno fileno :Kw10101 KYOw: KYOw10461 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus resinifera 一般名(英語名) English name :Red mahogany2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10462
fileno fileno :Kw10102 KYOw: KYOw10462 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus tereticornis 一般名(英語名) English name :Forest red gum2023-03-02 -
標準材鑑Wood specimensKYOw10463
fileno fileno :Kw10103 KYOw: KYOw10463 family Family :Myrtaceae genus Genus :Eucalyptus species Species :Eucalyptus tessellaris 一般名(英語名) English name :Carbeen2023-03-02